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Configuring the Schedule

See additional topics below the video.


To configure the schedule to appear correctly, you will need to configure all of the below items.

Appointment Types

An Appointment Type drives a lot of activity in the schedule, from how the schedule displays to appointment reminders. For additional information, check out Configuring Appointment Types and Configuring Appointment Reminders.

Appointment Resources

A schedule resource is a person, room, or piece of equipment that displays on your schedule. For additional information, check out Configuring Schedule (Appointment) Resources.

Default Schedules

A default schedule for an appointment resource is the normal working hours. So, if your office is open for appointments from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, that is your default schedule.

For additional information, check out Configuring Default Schedules.

Schedule Blocks

A schedule block allows you to enforce certain rules on some part of the schedule. A good example of this is when you set aside every Tuesday morning for new patient consults. You may want to make sure your staff does not schedule a surgery on Tuesday morning.

For additional information, check out Configuring Schedule Blocks.

Open or Close a Day from the Schedule

For convenience, patientNOW provides a method to simply open a day that is normally closed or close a day that is normally open. For additional information, check out Changing Default Schedule from the Schedule

Appointment Cancellation Reasons

Appointment Cancellation Reasons allow you to review your canceled appointments and determine why patients cancel. This serves to identify trends in the practice and monitor multiple cancellations by an individual patient. For additional information, check out Configuring Appointment Cancellation Reasons.

Appointment Confirmation Reasons

Appointment Confirmation Reasons allow you to easily see on the schedule how your appointments were confirmed (by the check mark color). For additional information, check out Configuring Appt Confirmation Reasons.